Choose quality over low prices in bariatric surgery

“I decided to change my life and choose the best treatment for my disease: bariatric surgery. I’m convinced; I’ve looked for several medical services that, in my opinion, are good; however, some offer low-cost interventions, and some have high prices for my budget. I don’t know what to do: why is there so much difference between one and the other? Do I choose the cheapest option?”

To choose the best option and fully enjoy the results of your surgery, it’s necessary to evaluate each factor that influences the total cost of the procedure:

  1. Hospital and supplies: verify that the hospital where the surgery will be performed has the resources to solve any emergency, i.e., that it has a blood bank, intensive care unit, and certified facilities.
  2. Medical fees: remember that the health team that will guide you must have specialized training in bariatrics and current certifications. Value their knowledge, experience, and professionalism, we all deserve fair payment for our work, and it’s worth entrusting your health to experts.
  3. Surgical staples: these are a set of imported supplies registered by Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS); only companies such as MEDTRONIC and JOHNSON & JOHNSON can distribute them in Mexico and abroad.

Staples are the most relevant supply in bariatric surgery. Their function is to section and seal the gastric or intestinal tissue, so they must be certified, have quality controls, and be distributed by the same manufacturing company. It’s important to point out that the companies that produce these staples have high quality, manufacturing, and distribution standards that guarantee the performance and sterility of their supplies.

Titanium staples are the best choice in bariatric surgery with the latest technology to perform a safe and effective procedure. The latest staplers generation has features that can decrease surgery time, as well as bleeding risk and leaking after surgery which further reduces the complication rate.

This last fact has a clear and justified impact on the cost; the staples are the most expensive and essential surgery supply (they can comprise 40% to 50% of the total cost). You should know that some surgical teams acquire staples on the black market: expired, non-sterile, falsified, or from past generations, decreasing the surgery cost by up to 1,500 USD at the expense of your safety only to get more patients.

At Obesity Solutions, we only use safe medical devices and supplies, of the latest generation, with all COFEPRIS registrations and distributed by the manufacturer’s network to guarantee its performance and sterility. We don’t use dubious origin reusable staplers or supplies.

We want to provide quality care to ensure your safety in the responsible achievement of your goals.
