Why choose a certified bariatric team?

Nowadays, with the increased use of social networks and dissemination, we have more resources to compare professional services when choosing what best fits our needs.

However, there are some decisions that shouldn’t be taken lightly, especially when it comes to your health; if we talk about bariatric surgery, it’s necessary to consider the next:

✔ The surgical team has complete current certifications

✔ The hospital for surgery has the services to handle any emergency

✔ The quality and professionalism are proportional to cost

✔ The distance is not a limitation to having your appointments

✔ The health team makes you feel safe and secure

To make the best choice, we advise you to ensure that the bariatric care team has all the national and international professional certifications that guarantee the quality and safety of their interventions. To do so, consider the following:

  1. The team leader must be a bariatric surgeon certified in general and bariatric surgery. These are two different certifications granted by the Consejo Mexicano de Cirugía General A.C. Certification in bariatric surgery proves a surgeon's commitment to medical updating, safe surgical practice, and quality for patient benefit. A certified bariatric surgeon has the knowledge and skills to perform bariatric procedures with high-quality standards, has a specialty course endorsed by a university that shows his training in a high-volume center, and has been trained nationally or internationally in his area.
  2. The dietitians, psychologists, and anesthesiologists should be bariatric care experts and solve your doubts: before, during, and after the procedure.

In Obesity Solutions, we have more than ten years of experience in bariatric surgery with a high level of safety; we are nationally and internationally endorsed, and our professional team has current certifications. Furthermore, we successfully perform four to five surgeries per week because we offer quality and personalized treatment rather than a high number of surgeries. Because of this, we prefer not to exceed the number of the weekly procedures and choose to provide the best service in each one and achieve our safety, quality, and warmth goals.

If your goal is to lose weight and take care of your health with the guidance of certified experts, contact us! At Obesity Solutions, we do it together.

Contact us! At Obesity Solutions we do it with you.
